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NBA Live 2003’s official patch only addressed a couple of issues, one of which was only applicable to Windows 98 users, while another only affected gamers with a specific gamepad. In this case, however, it’s arguably not a big deal. As such, for the moment at least, I think it’s fair to call it lost. It might be possible to track down the file somewhere, but I haven’t had any luck as yet. As you might expect though, fifteen years later, you’ll find nothing but a 404 error. Clicking the download link on the page would retrieve the file from EA’s FTP server, and automatically apply it to your game. Unlike the other patches which were distributed as executable files (or executable files within archives), the NBA Live 2003 update was installed from a page on the official website. You’ll find official patches for PC releases going right back to NBA Live 95, but there’s one that’s the missing: the update for NBA Live 2003. If you’re looking for official patches for NBA Live on PC, you’ll find them in our Downloads section. This week’s Five is a list of five official downloads that have been lost to time…at least as far as I’m aware. There are some official downloads that we haven’t been able to salvage though, which means if you don’t already have a copy of them installed or backed up somewhere, you’re out of luck. If you browse our Downloads database, you’ll find a bunch of the old official patches for NBA Live on PC, as well as demos, manuals, and so on. Just as we’ve tried to preserve our database of unofficial patches and mods over the years, we’ve also done our best to keep a repository of official downloads. Unfortunately, that isn’t the case with official downloads, such as patches and downloadable content. Of course, in theory, it is possible to create new versions of those mods which may be just as good as, or even better than the originals.

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We’ve salvaged and re-uploaded files whenever possible, but there are a lot of mods that are seemingly gone for good. As a result of sites being closed down and files being deleted from free hosting services after a period of inactivity, we’ve lost a lot of releases, especially from the early days.

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Mods, especially big projects, have been hosted all over the place throughout the years.

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In our community, we know the pain of lost files.

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This week’s Five is a list of five official downloads for basketball games that have been lost over time. The feature is presented as either a list of five items, or in the form of a Top 5 countdown. Welcome to this week’s edition of The Friday Five! The Friday Five is a feature that I post every Friday in which I give my thoughts on a topic that’s related to NBA Live, NBA 2K, and other basketball video games, as well as the real NBA, and other areas of interest to our community.

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